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Can I simply tell you how wonderful you are? May seem like a simple thing to you, but you just restored my faith in mankind (no small thing). Thank you for your kind and speedy response.
The Algebrator could replace teachers, sometime in the future. It is more detailed and more patient than my current math teacher. I, personally, understand algebra better. Thank you for creating it!
The Algebrator software helped me very much. I thought the step by step solving of equations was the most helpful. It was easy to use and easy to understand. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. Thanks, Annie Hines
Congratulations & Thanks for this wonderful piece of software. It is both challenging and fun.
I never regret the day I purchased Algebrator and I was blown away. The step by step problem solving method is unlike any other algebra program i've seen. Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them?Search phrases used on 2013-09-03: