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The program has led my daughter, Brooke to succeed in her honors algebra class. Although she was already making good grades, the program has allowed her to become more confident because she is able to check her work.
It's good news for any school, teacher or student when such a fantastic software is specifically designed for Algebra. Great job!
Ive never seen anything like it! Step-by-step, Im learning complicated algebra right alongside my kids!
What a great step-by-step explanations. As a father, sometimes it helps me explaining things to my children more clearly, and sometimes it shows me a better way to solve problems.
I really like your software. I was struggling with fractions. I had the questions and the answers but couldnt figure how to get from one to other. Your software shows how the problems are solved and that was the answer for me. Thanks. Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them?Search phrases used on 2012-05-27: